The World Cup is one of the biggest tournaments and sports events in the world. It brings together nations, cultures, and a whole lot of excitement. It's not just about soccer; it's about celebration, unity, and showcasing the best of sportsmanship. With the social divide currently happening in the US and all over the world and World Cup can erase those issues and put a bright spot on the US once again. The real question is can we handle it and is it going to be successful? The World Cup is very different compared to other tournaments around the world and while soccer continues to be the most famous in the world, the World Cup is going to be a very important tournament for the US in 2026. The World Cup is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it's one of the most widely viewed and followed sporting events globally, gathering a sense of unity and competition among nations. Secondly, it showcases exceptional athletic talent, allowing players to demonstrate their skills on an international stage. Additionally, it brings economic benefits to the host countries through tourism and development within each state or wherever they are hosting. This can impact the US in such a positive way that it can make people see the United States in a different way rather than negatively. Lastly, it promotes cultural exchange and understanding, as fans from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate the beautiful game. When describing this article and interviewing fellow internationals and soccer fanatics there is a huge excitement but also a bit of worry when it comes to the word cup? And why the worry? The worry seems to be pertained to how the US can conduct this World Cup and if politics or world issues will affect it in a negative way. We have definitely seen over the years how the US has changed socially and politically with many people not afraid to voice their opinion but what happens when the biggest event comes to America?
I had the chance to interview a friend from the Molloy soccer team and German international Nicolay Kutzop and he had a lot to say about the World Cup. I asked him how he felt about it coming to America and he replied “I love it, i definitely have enjoyed staying here the past 4 years and think coming to America for a World Cup is even better, there’s a lot of more different states that I want to visit and getting to support my German team while visiting is going to be great!”. He was very optimistic when looking at the World Cup since he enjoys America so much and he loves the idea of having it here but then I asked him if he had any doubts going into it and he responded “you can’t really predict those type of things and yes with America being a little diverse at the moment it can be hard but I think this is the perfect place for it”. He really has enjoyed America in his 4 year stay here and he can’t wait to come back in 2026 for the World Cup. I also had the chance to interview Molloy Soccer player Connor Gervasi who is a US international and he had a lot to say about the World Cup coming to America. He says “it’s going to be a great thing for soccer and for the US as it can draw many positive reactions from many different people even for people that don’t enjoy soccer as much”. While voicing his excitement he did have some concerns while saying “I do feel like the US as a country needs to get more stability because the last thing we need is for the country to go through a boiling point with a political issue and scare the natives that have never been here before”. While voices concern him and Nicolay Kutzop seem to be very excited about this. The last person I got the chance to interview was a retired bank supervisor named Lorenzo Camacho who currently has no interest in the sport of soccer but is excited about it. He believes that the US can gain a lot of publicity for the right reasons rather than wrong. He stated “I currently don’t watch soccer but I will be watching in 2026, how can I not watch when the World Cup comes to America. The advertising and global marketing is going to be ridiculous for it, making it a very popular occasion.” When I also asked him if the social status of America at the moment will affect anything with the World Cup he stated “there’s definitely a lot of divide right now on the country especially on politics but i actually think the World Cup will bring people together and maybe show the whole world why we together as a country and society are more important than the little things we argue about”. This response was definitely a really important one as the World Cup is definitely a place where things will come together and can stop the diversity at least for that summer.
It is clear that the World Cup definitely has a different point of view but it seems that the event coming to America is definitely something everyone should be proud of and something that everyone and nations should enjoy and prosper as we might not have another World Cup in America for many decades to come