Written By: Gabriella Bardoneschi
Lead: The shores of Sarasota have been under attack as a severe Red Tide outbreak sweeps through Southwest Florida, leaving trails of dead marine life and empty beaches. The Red Tide bloom has prompted health warnings, beach closures, and a significant decline in tourism, as local authorities and community scientists work to mitigate devastating effects.
Red Tide has been plaguing the coastal waters of Southwest Florida since the 1840s. Over the last decade the Gulf coast has experienced extremely potent bouts of the algae. Experiencing the most severe blooms between 2017-2019. In recent years, human activities such as farming, sewage treatment, and factories have amplified the frequency of Red Tide. The air pollution, and chemical runoff from our activities causes the algae to grow faster. Red Tide can form miles offshore, not harming humans, and still have adverse effects on the marine ecosystem. Dead fish, and decaying sea life can sometimes even bolster the Red Tide bloom.

Red Tide blooms form during late summer or early fall, continuing through winter and spring. Southwest Floridas Red Tide organism, Karenia brevis creates a toxin that kills marine life, and affects the health of humans. While walking the beach you may experience respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and tearing. These temporary symptoms occur due to the organisms presence along the coast, and winds blowing the aerosol onshore. Though symptoms from exposure do not last long, you should still avoid contact with the blooms. Especially when having prior respiratory problems like asthma. Wearing a particle filter mask may lessen effects, and taking over the counter medications like Zyrtec, Benadryl, Allegra, or Claritin may decrease symptoms.

Red Tide blooms have also affected tourism. Specifically creating a decline in adventure tourism. Tourists are less likely to pay for outdoor recreation. They are less likely to rent surfboards, paddle boards, and book kayak tours with the unbearable respiratory conditions. Tourists are also less likely to dine at beachfront restaurants with dead fish washing up.
I asked locals how the Red Tide in Sarasota has affected the health of residents and visitors, and what measures they think should be taken. My coworker, and friend Andrea said the Red Tide in Sarasota has significantly impacted the health of both residents and visitors. Stating, “Many people, including myself, have experienced respiratory issues after being near the water. It’s concerning that the local authorities seem to be struggling to find effective solutions.” While local authorities have increased monitoring, and issued beach advisories. She feels that more proactive measures should be taken such as providing free particle filter masks to residents. My coworker, and neighbor Juan Carlos stated “As someone with asthma, the Red Tide in Sarasota has been particularly distressing. I’ve noticed a marked increase in my symptoms whenever I’m near the coast, forcing me to limit my outdoor activities.” He feels that public awareness, and measures being taken such as temporary beach closures are helpful. Though, they still feel insufficient. He wants Sarasota to start funding research for long term solutions, and stricter regulations on pollution. Which he says are essential to mitigate the blooms. My manager Sandi said the Red Tide in Sarasota has had a subtle, but persistent impact on her health. She feels local authorities have done well issuing warnings, and providing updates on the status of the Red Tide.

Afterwards, I asked how the Red Tide in Sarasota has affected local businesses, especially those dependent on tourism such as hotels, restaurants, and outdoor recreations. My coworker, and friend Andrea said the Red Tide has been devastating for local businesses in Sarasota, especially those that rely on tourism. Hotels have had a decline in bookings. While beachfront restaurants struggle with fewer customers, and heightened costs of sourcing seafood. My coworker, and neighbor Juan Carlos stated “As a resident of Sarasota, I’ve noticed a decline in the vibrancy of local businesses. Hotels appear emptier, recreational services like boat tours, and fishing charters are suffering. It’s disheartening to see my favorite spots struggling.” My manager Sandi said the Red Tide in Sarasota has greatly affected tourism. Stating, “Many of my friends who own small businesses have reported significant losses.”

The Red Tide in Sarasota has impacted both marine life, and the local economy. As residents struggle with respiratory problems, and beach closures. The community faces significant challenges. Businesses that rely on adventure tourism are struggling to stay afloat, with many experiencing a drastic decline in revenue. Hearing from locals like Andrea, Juan Carlos, and business owners like Sandi puts emphasis on the need for comprehensive solutions like pollution regulations, research funding, and enhancing public awareness.