Written By : Jhaylin Saquicaray
Our community is enriched with good road networks though the aspect fades in the reality of endless potholes in the roads. Potholes are a common nuisance for most drivers since they cause slowdowns along busy roads and are a typical hazard for road users (Nimo, 2021). They are an eminent cause of injuries to drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and passengers. When potholes depict most, drivers have to avoid them in order to survive hitting them and thereby causing negative impact on the drivers or vehicle occupants (Robinson, 2022). The impacts affect most freeways, interstate and arterial routes that cause a rough ride for motorists. Potholes are a major issue not only for our road users but also for other road users in nearby communities and states like children , the elderly bicyclist and drivers.

In an interview on three icons; Mr. Danny Mayer, who is a car owner and a renowned resident, Mrs. Elizabeth Becker, an active pedestrian and a shop owner at the urban center and Mr. Kim Kotter, who is a company driver for a technology firm operating within the urban area; various aspects of interest emanated and a clear depiction on the current pothole situation was also highlighted. The thesis statement at stake is: Potholes are a direct cause to road accidents, car damages and lead to unnecessary costs. From this perspective, what are the common damages to a car from pothole associated effects? In addition, what are the perspectives of road-users on potholes? Mr . Danny Mayer was asked “ Tell me about your view on potholes” “ Potholes totally eradicate the whole main idea of a smooth ride , really damaging for a vehicle as well , it's very annoying to know that these sorts of problems are being ignored by the city.” “ Have you been involved in any road accidents or injuries related to potholes” “ Thankfully I have not , but there are occasions when their are potholes on the third lane , closer to the wall its very hard not to get scared when your car suddenly dips down and literally almost makes contact with the wall , but I will tell you that I have faced occasional tire issues in the range of alignment and even blow outs especially during rainy season”
Mrs. Elizabeth Becker was asked “ what is your worst experience with potholes?” “They are a source of minor setbacks since their effects go unnoticed and only appear during car services. Potholes cause dents, cracks and bends in the wheel and rims of a vehicle. Something seriously has to be done , like regular road check ups. Not only are cars at risk of having accidents but even pedestrians or bicyclists. I often like to wear a nice outfit to go about my day which involved having my heels on for a working day , Thankfully I have not had a major incident happen to me but their have been an occasion or two where I have tripped or bent my ankle over a potholes , quite embarrassing”

Mr. Kim Kotter was asked “ Tell me about your view on potholes ? Are you happy with the state of the roads?” “ Potholes ? they're always going to be there , I feel as much as anyone that keeps complaining about them they will always be there . Yes you can fix one or two potholes but there will always be more , I’ve come to terms that this is an issue that will never be fixed and just try to live around it. I try my best to try and avoid these potholes while driving but they're inevitable. Sometimes I'm just like Oh well ? I guess , another reason why I refuse to finance a car. I much rather lease a car nowadays , use it for three years and then give it back , let the dealership handle the problems. As far as your second question , ofcourse I am not happy with the quality of roads we have right now , but like I said, what can we really do ? They're always going to be there. As hectic as life has become I feel there are far worse problems than silly potholes , yes they cause cause unnecessary slowdowns during peak hours but heck there much worse things happening in the world today I rather adjust”
Potholes lead to rough rides for motorists, an aspect that sets in with wheel damages, tire blows and steering misalignments. The notion depicted by a road user that, “Regular Road check-ups should be endorsed by local authorities” appears just enough as a direct remedy to the negative effects emanating from potholes along our community roads. The latter not only affects the wheel and steering aspects but also affects the exhaust system when vehicles touch the ground on impact with a pothole. Passengers and drivers are also at the risk of internal injuries, leave alone the threat of collision-oriented injuries. Indeed, as stated by one of the interviewees, “I have come across road accidents involving motorists in pothole prone areas.”

Potholes aren't just a danger to adults or drivers but also our children crossing roads. It is very easy for someone to be riding down the road while a pedestrian is trying to cross the road as well , bicyclists or even cars can easily lose control depending on the severity of the pothole to lose control over the steering wheel . This is how accidents happen. It could be our own children getting into these accidents that could be prevented it if the city would just do something about it “If you have ever driven over a pothole you would know the severity of how these potholes completely take over your steering wheel , it's awfully scary sometimes im hoping that one day the city would take these roads a bit more serious , If we would all just get together I think we would be heard but I know the city is probably dealing with a lot more serious problems than just potholes.” - Elizabeth Becker.
In all it seems like there is a diverse opinion regarding potholes. In all three interviews it is concluded that of course nobody likes potholes , some still have hope in getting the city to fix these pothole problems , while others don't really have much hope but rather just adjust to these issues and go about their life.