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Nicole must decide if school is the right place for her (Example)


Updated: May 16, 2023

Written by: Jeanine Brancato

May 25, 2022

Nicole Brancato is a 21 year old woman who made the decision to drop out of school almost 2 years ago. She decided back in High School that going to College would be best. Continuing to educate herself, and make her parents proud by graduating with a College degree. Having a twin sister also knowing going to college pushed her to think it was the right thing to do. Sometimes it is better to follow your gut and your own heart then doing something because you think it's right.

She never really knew what she wanted to do, and her first choice of college was Adelphi University in Garden City. She did not get accepted unfortunately, but wanted to find another school near home that had a program in Journalism. Nicole knew she wanted to do something in writing, but didn’t know exactly what. We asked Nicole, “Why did you choose Molloy College after not getting accepted into Adelphi?” Nicole responded, “It was close to home, and I toured the school with my sister before she applied to the school herself. I felt it was a safe backup at the time.” She did apply to Molloy and got into the Media program and was excited to start her education at Molloy College back in the Fall of 2019.

As her fall semester of college began she was excited to be with her sister and go to a school she felt comfortable at. Going into school and her media classes she made some friends right off the bat. Being a Freshman in college is the fun part, and most classes you will take are chosen for you. That was when Nicole realized school wasn’t going to be fun anymore. She was taking classes that were mandatory instead of classes she really wanted to take. This is when she began to consider leaving. We asked Nicole, “What made you change your mind about College?” Nicole said, “I wasn’t doing too well in my classes that were mandatory. I also didn’t enjoy the hours given to us freshman year. I don’t drive so If my sister had a 11am class and I had a 2pm class I would have to go in earlier since she was my ride. I also realized the media is not the side of journalism I enjoyed.”

Nicole finally decided that school just wasn’t for her anymore. She told her parents she wasn’t happy at College anymore and wanted to work out a deal with them to not stay at College. Nicole was told that she can drop out of College if she gets a full time job. Nicole was on the hunt and she knew working full time would be tough to get used to, but its something she rather do than pay thousands of dollars to go to school to get a degree in something she doesn’t enjoy. Facebook became her friend because her mother found her a full time job nannying a new born in oceanside from 9am-5pm everyday making $15 an hour. Nicole did not hesitate and went to interview for the job and took it when they offered it to her.

We asked Nicole, “Why was nannying the best option for you as a job?” She replied to us saying, “I have always been good at babysitting. I have the experience with watching over younger kids, and the pay offered was great! Having a 9-5 job felt good to get used to for the real world, and now I have been working here for over a year!” Hearing how Nicole got the job so quickly, and how fast she got settled in a new place leaving college makes it seem it was the right decision.

We asked Nicole, “What do you enjoy most about nannying?” She responded, “Watching someone from 2 months old to her now being a little over 1 years old is the most wholesome experience. You watch her eat real food for the first time, you watch her take her first steps, and you watch her wave her small hands. Being able to watch the cutest human grow makes you count the days till you're a mom someday. Yes there are hard days, but all this stuff takes over the little bad moments.” Nicole went on to tell us how well the family treats her, and even are very accommodating with her not being able to drive. Her boss (the mother) picks her up and drops her home sometimes.

Since Nicole is a twin we wanted to talk to her about how things have been since one of them is in school, and the other is just working. We asked Nicole, “When you see your sister so close to graduating and enjoying her college experience, do you wish you had given college a better chance and were graduating with her?” She responded with, “Sometimes it’s tough seeing her going out with her college friends and going to fun events that I can no longer go to since I’m not a student, but mostly No. I am happy that we are going in different directions in life. My sister has always wanted to teach, and I’m happy she is almost achieving her goal. We have been following each other since we were kids. I’m happy being the one on the sideline for once cheering her on!” We also asked her, “Do you ever miss the College experience?” She said, “I miss the fun events college offered, but having a twin in school I still get to be her plus one to certain events. I do not miss the classes, long hours of class, and the homework.”

The last question we wanted to end Nicole with was, “Do you plan on being a Nanny for the rest of the time you're employed?” She said, “I plan on working for this family until she is in Elementary school, but I do not wish to be a nanny forever. I don’t think of it as a real career, and I know it’s best to find a job with benefits and health insurance. I plan to take the civil service exam this year and work in the courts as a secretary.” Seeing how Nicole evolved and made a final decision has been inspiring. Maybe this can help the people out there who are struggling with finding their true path.



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