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Evelyn Meza: A Journey of Artistic Exploration


Written By: Nadia Mifsud

Evelyn Meza is a talented young artist that was born and raised in Maspeth, Queens. She is 20 years old and of Peruvian descent. She lives with her two parents and her older sister Nicole. Growing up in a quiet corner of the city provided Evelyn with a unique upbringing that combined the best aspects of suburban and urban life. She states, “Maspeth was far enough from the city that I was able to experience a more suburban upbringing. I attended a catholic middle school called St. Adalbert, and going from there straight into a liberal arts high school in the middle of the city was a striking change in direction for my life."

From an early age, Evelyn's passion for art was evident. Encouraged by her father, who always supported her artistic pursuits, she found solace in expressing herself through various art forms. Her first memories of art involve sketching and tracing Disney princesses using a toy spotlight that illuminated the outlines on a piece of paper. This early experience ignited a spark within her and set her on a path of artistic exploration. According to her, “My dad used to always encourage my art making even when I was a little kid, indulging me by always buying me a sketchbook from the dollar store. I think my farthest memory of art was using this toy that would light up a spotlight to direct at a piece of paper to trace an outline, mine of course had a bunch of Disney princesses to choose from. I took more of a liking to art than my parents expected and they tried to be open minded from the beginning which I will always be grateful for.”

It was during her time at Fiorello LaGuardia High School, a prestigious arts high school in the heart of the city, that Evelyn's interest in art flourished. Surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals and immersed in a sea of creative energy, she felt inspired to delve deeper into her artistic endeavors. The experience at LaGuardia instilled in her the confidence and motivation to pursue her passion for art further.

Throughout her artistic journey, Evelyn was fortunate to encounter influential mentors and role models who played a pivotal role in her growth. She says, “Ms. Butterer, was my junior and senior year painting teacher at LaGuardia… The first time she critiqued my work I actually cried, but she became my favorite teacher. She was the only teacher who didn't sugarcoat their words and handed it to me straight.” By receiving honest and constructive criticism, she was pushed to improve and refine her artistic style.

Evelyn's education continued at Pratt University, where she studies Communications Design with a focus in Graphic Design. Her time there has honed her skills and expanded her artistic horizons. However, the transition to digital art presented her with a significant challenge. Having grown up with traditional art forms, Evelyn faced moments of doubt and imposter syndrome as she embarked on this new artistic medium: “My traditional art experiences felt natural, as it developed alongside me as I grew older so did my confidence within the medium. The switch to digital took the rug out from under me completely”. Despite the initial struggle, she persevered and allowed herself to be humbled by the process. It was during this time that she questioned her motivations and reaffirmed her commitment to art.

Among the many pieces Evelyn has created, there is one that holds a special place in her heart: her self portrait that captures the carefree and vibrant essence of her life. This particular piece has become a constant source of inspiration and has undergone continuous refinement over the years, reminding Evelyn that a painting is never truly finished until she deems it so. When starting a painting, Evelyn's process reflects her spontaneous and unstructured nature. She says, “I am not a very organized person, which I feel definitely reflects through my art. I find some reference photos that I choose based on their colors or the perspective that I want to emulate, and go for it. Toning the canvas is a must, as the color that I choose will set the tone for the rest of the piece even if it is covered up by layers in the end.”

Evelyn's time at Pratt University has proven to be a worthwhile experience, albeit challenging. It forced her to confront her fear of starting from scratch and allowed her to embrace the process of rediscovering herself as an artist. Through this journey, she witnessed tremendous growth in both her art and her personal development.

Balancing her personal and professional life poses a unique challenge for Evelyn. With friends who share her passion for art, the boundaries between personal and professional often blur. However, she has learned to allocate specific time blocks on weekends to detach from work and prioritize personal well-being.

Looking toward the future, Evelyn has set goals for herself that revolve around self-exploration and expanding her professional opportunities. She aims to become more confident in creating "bad" work, recognizing that it is through experimentation that she will discover her own artistic voice. Additionally, securing an art internship that aligns with her interests is a key objective she hopes to achieve.

For those interested in pursuing art, Evelyn offers the advice to simply go for it. She believes that everyone starts somewhere, and art should be a form of personal expression above all else. Despite concerns about AI-generated work, Evelyn remains confident that there will always be a demand for creative and original art. If you’re thinking of pursuing art, Evelyn says: “Do it, everyone starts somewhere and at the heart of it it should be a form of expression for you”.

In conclusion, Evelyn Mesa's journey as an artist showcases her resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to her craft. From her upbringing in Maspeth to her artistic education at Pratt University, she has grown into a talented artist with a unique perspective.


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