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Anti-Immigration Bill Strikes Back


DeSantis anti-immigration bill leaves Florida in a state of shock

Written by: Yeiri Flores

Recently, Florida’s governor, Ron Desantis signed a new bill into law to combat the “dangerous effects of illegal immigration”. This bill is going to cause major change for undocumented immigrants living in Florida. Business will now need to use a system called E-Verify to determine if that employee is legal. Employers will now face penalties if they do not comply with this new E-Verify system and knowingly employ illegal immigrants. In addition, this bill requires hospitals that also accept Medicaid, to question legal status at the time of seeking medical care. This will negatively impact immigrants because they will be even less inclined to seek medical attention when needed. It is also important to note that with this new bill, out-of-state driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants are not valid and forbids people from transporting undocumented people as well.

This recent bill has startled immigrants residing in Florida, leading them to abandon the only homes and jobs they have known out of fear of being deported. Businesses in Florida are losing employees because of this law, work sites that were once full of workers now are unrecognizable with how empty they are. Farmers have also been left alone in their fields with no workers. Truckers have now gone as far to threaten to boycott making deliveries to Florida until this situation is resolved. Some have organized protests around Florida to portray what a day without immigrants would look like. Business closed their doors and plan to not open as a sign of solidarity with immigrants.

This bill has been discussed in homes all over America, and like anything there are different opinions on the subject. I asked Uniondale residents what they thought on the matter. One woman, when asked if she believes things could have been done differently, stated, “there always will be a better way, but time after time politicians choose the most selfish route.” She remarks that if government officials put more effort into creating legal ways to enter the country, they would not have to worry about passing bills that negatively impact their own economy. Another resident was asked what they think the future of Florida will look like if things continue at this rate. He stated that, “people will remain afraid and choose to leave the state out of fear, they will find homes in places they feel wanted.” Videos are circulating the media of Florida residents packing up their homes into their cars and leaving the state. Many fear driving and being pulled over or being at work and having their job raided.

I asked one resident who immigrated herself to this country many years ago, what she believes these undocumented people are thinking as they hear all the news of what is happening in their state. She mentioned that in her many years of living here she had never heard of a bill so malicious and targeted towards immigrants. She states, “they are probably scared and must be worried every time they have to leave their houses.” She mentions that she could not imagine going through something like this and having to abandon her home.

I believe that this new bill is only going to result in negative consequences for the state of Florida. Immigrants are underpaid and underappreciated, they are the backbone of this country that have constantly made a difference in our economy. This bill has opened our eyes to how much immigrants contribute, especially in a state like Florida. With people organizing walk out and protests, Florida is truly seeing how much undocumented people contribute. Some construction sites are empty with no workers to be found, agriculture sites are also understaffed, and farmers are working alone. My recommendation for this issue is to find solutions and not temporary fixes that cause more harm than good. When the governor of Florida passed this bill, he managed to spook hard working, tax paying people who positively contribute to the state and kicked them out of their homes. They simply moved into other states where they will again, positively contribute and pay their taxes. These immigrants may lose their home and jobs, but they will be wanted somewhere else because time after time, undocumented people have stepped up and completed the hard jobs that no other people have wanted to do. I believe putting more efforts into creating an easier process to become documented in America will ultimately be the solution, many want to do things the “right” way, but the right way can take their entire lives. For the future, I feel Florida will eventually hire documented workers and go back to “normal”, but they will never forget the time where immigrants stood their ground and protested for their rights.


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