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A Father's Dream - An Unforgettable Journey (Example)


Updated: May 16, 2023

Written By: Diana Ciminera

Mr. Guillermo LaRosa shares his story about emigrating to the United States with his family. He first speaks about his life in Cuba, getting married, and having a family. Mr. LaRosa grew up in Cuba, with his four siblings. Although life was not easy, he recalls both good and sad memories. At the age of nine, his father died of pneumonia leaving his mother to raise five children on her own. Mr. LaRosa and his eldest brother helped raise his younger siblings. He reminiscences about his childhood, his experience as a kid working on the farm, getting married to the love of his life, and having a family. Growing up in a country before Fidel Castro’s regime, gave Cubans the freedom to live happily and prosper. Unfortunately, after Castro’s takeover from 1962 through 1974 many Cubans lost their homes, businesses, and land. Many were left with no choice but to leave Cuba. Staying behind meant following Castro’s laws which stripped every Cuban of their freedom, which most feared. Some were able to leave while others weren’t so lucky. During this time, Mr. LaRosa chose to take an unfamiliar journey with his family to the United States.

On August 26, 1969, he emigrated from Cuba to the United States. His decision to leave Cuba was to provide his family with a better life, future, and opportunities, which is the mindset all immigrants have for leaving their native land. His siblings had left Cuba years earlier, so he decided to do the same. One of Mr. LaRosa’s brothers sponsored him and his family, so the journey to the United States was a little less stressful since they migrated legally. Migrating to a country legally is not an option many immigrants have but as he stated “My family and I were fortunate on this journey.” Two of his siblings took that illegal journey years earlier when they decided to flee Cuba and escape Castro’s regime. Their journey was difficult because they had to learn to survive in the wilderness in hopes to reach their destination alive, which they successfully did. He recalls this being a time of fear and worries for his mother. He remembers his mother’s cries at night while she prayed for their safety. The big day had arrived and all plans were finalized for Mr. LaRosa and his family to leave. Unfortunately upon check-in, there were issues with his wife’s paperwork which prohibited her from boarding the plane. This problem left him with two options. He could leave without her and possibly never see her again or if he stayed behind, it could be months or even years before the family would have the opportunity to leave Cuba again. Mr. LaRosa’s wife made the heartbreaking decision and begged him to board the flight with their three small children. Devasted and heartbroken he decided to take the flight and leave Cuba. Mr. LaRosa mentions, “that was one of the saddest and toughest days of my life.” Fortunately, a few weeks later he was reunited with his wife. Mr. LaRosa’s story is one of many immigration stories. The sacrifices they both made for their children are so inspirational.

Migrating to the U.S. with three small children and an unfamiliar place was challenging. Mr. LaRosa recalls how hard it was adjusting to new surroundings and not knowing the English language. However, that did not stop him from seeking employment right away. His mission was to find a job, provide for his family and start planning for his retirement. He recalls trying to learn the English language and having many difficulties. As he stated, “Learning English was not easy for me, but I had no choice.” His courage and determination did not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, life would change drastically for him and his family a few years later with the passing of his wife. He was left alone to raise three small children in a new and strange country. He remembers this being a sad and difficult time for him and his children. He mentions “I was scared and sad for my children, but they needed me now more than ever.” He knew that staying strong was the only choice he had. "Although they were young when their mother passed, they still have some memories of her, stated Mr. LaRosa, especially my eldest son." Mr. LaRosa has always had the mindset of working hard and providing for his family. Over the years he owned his own business and held two jobs. His family was and continues to be his main priority. Mr. LaRosa is adored by his family and friends. His attributes of being kind, compassionate, loyal, and loving are admired by so many people. He likes to brag about his three children and grandchildren who are his pride and joy. Mr. LaRosa believes anyone can achieve their dreams if they are determined. As he stated, “I am living proof, that anything is possible, even when the journey ahead is rough.” He never allowed his children to give up, and although education is important, he believes success is measured by other qualities as well. In his eyes being successful means having dignity and integrity. When individuals have these traits, they are halfway there says Mr. LaRosa.

Mr. LaRosa retired six years ago. Today, he is enjoying his life with his children and grandchildren. Some of his favorite hobbies are gardening, cooking, carpentry, and listening to music. Mr. LaRosa resides with his daughter. Although he makes it very clear that he does not live with her. As he states, “I live with my daughter, but I have my separate apartment, I like the idea of being close to her.” Mr. LaRosa offers a few words of wisdom, he says “work hard, plan for tomorrow, but start today and never look back.” He has no regrets about the way he lived his life and raised his children. Mr. LaRosa states, “As parents, we want the best for our children. We will sacrifice anything and everything for them.” I think we can all agree with him.


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